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(Section A ) Comprehension

Q1.Read the passage and answer the questions in full sentences.

King Lion was Ill. He was too ill to hunt for food. He lay in his den and groaned. A bird heard him. It flew to the other animals and told them. All the animals felt sorry for King Lion. They said “We must take food to our king. ”So, each of them found some food for Lion. One by one they went to his den. As they went into the cave, Lion killed and ate them.

One day, Fox was passing the cave. He called out,”I hope you are feeling better, your majesty.”
“I am still ill.” moaned Lion.” Have you brought your king some food?”
“Yes,” said Fox.” but I noticed something strange that I do not like.”
“What in that?” asked Lion.
“There are many footprints outside your cave”, said Fox.
“Yes,” said Lion.” They were made by loyal subjects bringing food to their king.”
“Indeed!” said Fox.” But all the footprints points in the one direction, towards your den,I can see none coming out!”
Saying no more, Fox ran back to his lair as fast as he could go.

Q2.Answer the following questions in full sentences.

1.Which animal was ill?

2.Why was he moaning?

3.How did the other animals know that Lion was ill?

4.What happened to the animals as each went into the Lion’s den?

5.What did Fox notice outside Lion’s cave?

6.Who made the footprints outside Lion’s cave?

7.To which direction did all the footprints point to?

8.Find sentence from the passage which shows that the animals ran back to its home.

Q3.Read the Passage and circle the correct answer.

Do you like to eat sweets? Well, Penny does. One day she ate a sweet which had a pretty wrapper. She did not want to throw it away.” I have an idea!” she said.” I’ll start a collection of sweet‐wrappers!”

Every day Penny looks round the sweet‐shop for sweets with wrappers which she does not have. When she sees them, she buys them. Her family and friends help her in her new hobby too. They keep all their sweet‐wrappers and give them to her.

Penny has a big collection of sweet‐wrappers now, She pasts them all in a scrap‐book. She puts the sweet‐Wrapper of the same company on the same page. For example, she pastes the sweet‐Wrappers of the Hacks Manufacturers on one page and those of the Trebor Company on another.

Penny’s mother has taken out some of the pages from Penny’s scrap‐book. She has framed them up and put them in the sitting‐room. Visitors to their house often admire the sweet‐wrappers.

1.How did Penny get started with her hobby?

A.She ate a sweet which had a pretty wrapper.
B.She got the idea from a friend.
C.Penny’s mother gave her the idea.
D.Penny got the idea from the sweet manufacturers.

2.What does Penny do everyday?

A.She visits her friends.
B.She follows her mother to work.
C.She looks round the sweet‐shops for sweet wrappers which she does not have.
D.She picks sweet wrappers from the shops.

3.When Penny sees sweets with sweet wrappers she does not have,

A.She asks the shopkeeper for them.
B.She asks her mother to buy them for her.
C.She buys them.
D.She asks her friends to give them to her.

4.What does Penny do with her sweet wrappers?

A.She puts them in a stamp album.
B.She pasts them in a scrap‐book.
C.She sticks them on a piece of paper.
D.She keeps them in a plastic bag.

5.Penny’s mother has put the pages she has framed

A.in the hall.
B.in the kitchen.
C.in Penny’s bedroom.
D.in the sitting room.

(Section B ) Grammar Cloze

Write the correct answer in the space given. Use only one word for each blank.

1. Today is Sally’s birthday. She is eight years ( ). She is having a ( ) to celebrate her eighth birthday. She woke up very early in the ( ).She put on a ( ) red dress. It was specially bought for ( ) birthday. Her dress has tiny lace flowers. She then put on a ( ) of white shoes. She also wore a long ribbon on her ( ) to match her dress. She looked like a little princess.

All her friends came to attend her birthday party. They too wore pretty dresses and colourful ribbons on their hair. All the bright ( ) made Sally feel like she was having a rainbow party. ( ) felt like a queen.

2. Tommy has a big ( ). There are many plants in his garden. ( ) has sunflowers and roses. He has hibiscus too. The sunflowers are ( ) and yellow.

( ) have any petals. The leaves are big. The roses are red and pink. They are ( ) beautiful. There are thorns in the stems. The hibiscus plant is very big. The flowers have five petals. Tommy likes ( ) garden very much.

(Section C ) Reader //授業で使っている教科書からの出題

a.How old is Matty Doolin?
b.Who offered to help Matty get a job in the farm?
c.Who in the owner of the farm?
d.Where did the farmer place the boys after the tents collapsed?
e.Who are Matty’s best friends?

(Section D) Spelling


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